John Knowles
Director of Product Management , SquaredUp
Our third release this year!
Director of Product Management , SquaredUp
Summer is in full swing, and the latest release of SquaredUp for SCOM and SquaredUp for Azure is now available. Welcome to version 4.7!
This release is jam-packed with great functionality which our Product Engineering teams here at SquaredUp have been working hard on for the last few months.
Here’s a quick round up of everything that’s been added and enhanced in version 4.7. Click on the links below for our product team's detailed blog posts explaining each feature.
For a demo of all the new features please head over to the ‘Release Webinar: SquaredUp v4.7’, with me and our Chief Product Officer, John Shaw.
Version 4.7 is GA (generally available) now, just follow the links below to download and find out more:
We hope you enjoy using the new functionality. I’d love to hear your feedback and ideas for future releases; simply submit your product ideas at feedback.squaredup.com.