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How to get your colleagues engaged with SCOM - by Martin Ehrnst

We were delighted that the benefits of SquaredUp dashboards were mentioned in Martin Ehrnst's recent blog on getting your colleagues engaged with SCOM.

Rob Beekman Compares Vendors in the Citrix Logon Simulator Market

A recent report by Rob Beekmans in which he takes a deep-dive look at the various options available for Citrix Logon Simulators.

An in-depth look at Visual Application Discovery & Analysis (VADA)

Automatically discover and map your applications with one of the most exciting features in SquaredUp: Visual Application Discovery & Analysis (aka “VADA”).

Free Citrix Logon Simulator Management Pack

In this month’s Citrix Masterclass, Richard Benwell presented a new community Management Pack for simulating logons to Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop via

OpsMgr Group Health Rollup Configuration Task Management Pack

More news from the one-man SCOM Survival Kit otherwise known as Tao Yang, MVP. A SCOM user bugbear that we've come across time and time again at SquaredUp

Putting a group of servers into maintenance mode

Putting a group of servers into maintenance mode is a pretty common requirement. For example, you’re about to push out a patch to a group of servers that