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SquaredUp 5.1 is here

We are delighted to announce that SquaredUp 5.1 is now available!

With this latest update, we are introducing new integrations and visualizations that extend the picture of your business services and applications by unlocking even more of your data that is trapped within silos.

You can now get insights on your enterprise applications from any angle!

These features are available in all our products, including our newest product Dashboard Server.

3 new integrations and many new visualizations

  1. PowerShell tile to visualize metrics from any data source
  2. New data integrations: Splunk and Elasticsearch tiles
  3. Status tile to visualize all your external data
  4. Other improvements

These new features can be used in Perspectives, SquaredUp’s mechanism for drilling down to view the metrics of your resources – giving you optimum visibility.

Now let’s take a look at exactly what you can do in SquaredUp 5.1 with these new updates.

PowerShell tile to visualize metrics from any data source

This new tile gives you limitless extensibility when it comes to visualizing data.

Available out of the box, there is no additional setup required – which means you can visualize your PowerShell script in seconds!

With this tile, you can connect, manipulate, correlate, calculate, and visualize any data set into compelling metrics. You can also load third party PowerShell modules, compare metrics from SCOM and other data sources on the fly, visualize log files, connect to any database, and much more!

If you couldn’t get to your data previously using our Web API, SQL, or other native integrations, then the new PowerShell tile is your get out of jail card. You can now leverage the vast range of PowerShell modules available to visualize performance metrics that are not easily available via an API (e.g. VMWare).

Create your own profiles to store any PowerShell scripts that you want to execute across different tiles as the first part of your script.


New data integrations: Splunk and Elasticsearch tiles

These two new dedicated tiles use an intuitive point-and-click configuration – which means you can also easily import and visualize your saved queries from Splunk or Elasticsearch. Now you can proactively visualize your log data with minimum fuss!

Paste any query or write your own query in the Query DSL or SPL language. Queries support contextual variables so you can visualize your Splunk or Elasticsearch data dynamically on SquaredUp Perspectives.


Including Azure Log Analytics, we now have three native integrations for log visualizations – so wherever so you are storing your logs, we’ve got you covered.

Status tile to visualize all your external data

With the new status tile, you get your most important metrics from external tools, visible at a glance within the context of SCOM and Azure.

It helps turn complex sets of data into easy-to-consume dashboards that are perfect for your stakeholders.

Not only is it available for most data sources (e.g. Web API, PowerShell, SQL, Log Analytics, Splunk, Elasticsearch), it is also configurable both in terms of look and feel (e.g. blocks/list, dynamic labels, etc.) and logic.

You can use the status logic to easily map a status field from your data source, combine multiple values from your data sources, and add custom calculations to generate your own statuses.

Simply click to drill out to the corresponding object in your external tool.


Other improvements

We’ve also made some other noteworthy improvements worth highlighting.

We’ve introduced new visualizations for SQL and Azure Log Analytics – donuts, bar graphs and sparklines.

We’ve improved the Integrations page so that it is easier to navigate and included new “Sample Integrations” dashboards.

Also, we have introduced new vibrant color palettes for donuts! Donut legends/segments are also no longer limited.

There are now also new timeframe variables in PowerShell, Web API, and SQL tiles so you can inherit the dashboard timeframe across all your tiles on the same dashboard.

Finally, we’ve extended Web API support. Authentication headers can now be configured and saved in all Web API providers – meaning you can connect to even more Web APIs, such as VEEAM Backup REST API!

For a demo of all the new features check out this recording of Product Manager Vincent Babin’s “SquaredUp 5.1 deep dive” at SquaredUp Live.

Version 5.1 is available now. All the new features are available in the Connect, EAM or Azure editions.

For more information, check out:

We hope you enjoy using the new functionality. We’d love to hear your feedback and ideas for future releases; feel free to submit your product ideas at

Happy dashboarding!

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