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Expert management packs that push SCOM to the max. Brought to you by the SquaredUp team.

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With EAM-X, you can use SCOM as a true single pane of glass. Pull data from your Cloud, DevOps and Data Center sources into SCOM.

SquaredUp v5

Upgrade to SquaredUp V5! We're on a mission to make complex IT infrastructure beautifully simple to understand, and SquaredUp V5 is our answer to that.

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your SCOM Data

Struggling to make sense of your SCOM data and the SCOM Console? Read to discover how to access and surface exactly the SCOM data you need.

Discover SquaredUp Dashboard Server

“The revolutionary tool that has single‑handedly modernized SCOM.”

Install and create seamless visualizations and actionable dashboards in minutes.

Explore more essential SCOM resources


With EAM-X, you can use SCOM as a true single pane of glass. Pull data from your Cloud, DevOps and Data Center sources into SCOM.

SquaredUp v5

Upgrade to SquaredUp V5! We're on a mission to make complex IT infrastructure beautifully simple to understand, and SquaredUp V5 is our answer to that.

The Ultimate Guide to Unlocking Your SCOM Data

Struggling to make sense of your SCOM data and the SCOM Console? Read to discover how to access and surface exactly the SCOM data you need.