GripMatix create dashboard pack for monitoring Citrix
Earlier this year, our partner GripMatix released a feature-packed Citrix management pack (MP) that helps improve the monitoring of Citrix environments using SCOM. This was warmly received by our customers who preferred not to shell out for the premium ‘Citrix Platinum’ license, and so don’t have access to SCOM MPs directly from Citrix.
New SquaredUp Dashboard Pack!
Today, we are delighted to announce that GripMatix have created a brand new SquaredUp Dashboard Pack to complement their MP that provides specialist dashboards and drilldowns. It is an excellent dashboard pack with a master dashboard that provides a clear heads-up view of your Citrix environment and over 50 drilldown views to make sense of all your Citrix data. The entire Citrix stack is covered from top to bottom, from the infrastructure it runs on through to all the individual software components.
Use the dashboard pack alongside their Citrix MP to fully engage your Citrix administrators with the extensive monitoring capabilities of SCOM.
With our latest survey confirmation that SCOM remains the most popular tool for monitoring VDI environments, what are you waiting for? Upgrade your Citrix monitoring today.
For more dashboard packs, head on over to dashboards.squaredup.com.Share this article to LinkedIn