Role-Based Navigation + User and Group Permissions in v3.1
So far in our blog series on new and enhanced features in SquaredUp v3.1, we've looked at;
This time, it's Role-Based Navigation + User and Group Permissions.
By default, any SCOM user logging into SquaredUp has access to view dashboards and drilldowns - based on the permissions assigned to them via SCOM Role Based Access Control (RBAC) - but only SCOM administrators can create dashboards and perform other administrative tasks.
Now, with our 3.1 release, we’ve introduced User Profiles to allow you to customise not only the navigation bar but also user permissions within SquaredUp.
User profiles allow you to grant users the ability to create and edit dashboards, manage dashboard packs, and even manage administration of SquaredUp itself, either an individual or group basis.

User profiles also give you the ability to customise the navigation bar on a more granular basis, so that users can receive a different navigation experience depending upon their profile. This includes enabling or disabling the More menu, so you can give users a very focused experience but still allow them to view detailed information in other areas if necessary (which can be great for directors, application owners and other decision makers for example).
Users can also be given the ability to customise their own navigation bar, allowing your teams to take ownership of their SquaredUp dashboards, perspectives and navigation experience.

User profiles can be assigned either directly to a user, or constructed from their group membership, with both Active Directory and local computer groups supported and where a user’s final permissions are based on the sum of all group and directly assigned permissions.
Additional Resource
If you’re not underway with SquaredUp yet, you can request a free 30 day trial or check out our online demo lab.
If you’d like more information on our Version 3.1 release, you can check out the recording of our Release Webinar.