OpsMgr Group Health Rollup Configuration Task Management Pack
More news from the one-man SCOM Survival Kit otherwise known as Tao Yang, MVP.
A SCOM user bugbear that we've come across time and time again at SquaredUp is that when you create a group in SCOM it doesn't by default have a health rollup monitor, meaning that the health state stays in the grey/uninitialized 'no health information' state.
So, we decided to set Tao to work making this process much more straightforward for SCOM users worldwide.
And, hey presto, the result is that Tao's created another of his fantastic community Management Packs.
We'll let Tao talk you through the Management Pack in full over on his blog;
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In further good news for the SCOM community, Tao has recently invested in an incredibly expensive new desk chair for his home office, so he's now able to sit in supreme comfort for up to 22 hours a day, non-stop coding of awesome solutions to continue to improve the SCOM experience. Nice one Tao :-)